放不了图,总之是在安装的修改系统那边出了问题,提示一些已安装产品需要许可证安装日志:12:16:06 |ERROR AdsWorkerClassicProduct::OnWorkerCompleted(): - ClassicProduct setup result: 30: Exit message:The specified directory, "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\", for the INSTALLSHAREDDIR parameter is not valid because this directory is compressed or is in a compressed directory. Specify a directory that is not compressed.
12:16:06 | FAIL! SetupUnit (INSTSQL2014EXP) Failed ClassicProductAddLocal
12:16:06 | FAIL! Checkpoint (E) Complete
12:16:06 |ERROR ExecutionEngine::StartNextStepAsync(): - Execution has been cancelled. Probably because of some process(es) running on the machine